Harness the power of multi-stakeholder collaboration to build GDPR compliance, uncover hidden risks, address cultural bias and boost innovation.Systemic Data Ethics provides the framework, core skills training, expert facilitation and technical know-how to enable ethical big data, algorithms and Web 3.0.

Make ethics part of your DNA

Systemic Data Ethics Logo

Deliver the good

Ethical technology starts with the foundations. Know your bias, take human risks seriously, establish accountability and begin to build engagement.


Uncover blind spots

Uncover and quantify your organizational biases and blind spots with unique diagnostics tools for complex socio-technical systems.


Look ahead

Effectively detect and mitigate systemic and human rights risks associated with technological innovation with expertly facilitated, multi-stakeholder, engagement.


Establish accountability

Establish the essential governance, practices and processes required to be able to develop and operationalise ethical engagement and oversight.


Develop your team

Develop the essential skills and culture your teams need to be able to engage with the ethics of their work. Go beyond box ticking to address the fundamental challenges.

Systemic Data Ethics provides a range of practical services to support the evolution of organizations with ethics in their DNA.

Diagnostics tools to provide unique cultural insight.

Facilitated, multi-stakeholder workshops. Online and offline.

Operationalise the Systemic Data Ethics Framework.

Make psychological safety a reality.

Many dots

Include all humans

The core practice of all technological ethics is the creation of environments where every human voice can be heard. Only through effective multi-stakeholder dialogue is it possible to overcome our bias and uncover the full range of potential risks and opportunities. The future of ethical tech is human.


The big picture

The Systemic Data Ethics framework provides a whole system overview. It identifies 12 distinct domains of work, supporting inclusivity by enabling us to detect biases and blind spots. It also directly informs our governance practices, diagnostic tools and risk discovery methodology.


Work together

Facilitated co-creation lies at the heart of our work. We believe that the key to ethical AI and Data lies in effective multi-stakeholder collaboration. The trust and mindset required to challenge the status-quo does not happen by accident.


Core skills

True ethics requires a challenge culture where everyone is comfortable raising difficult questions. We directly support cultural evolution through training in the "core skills" which include psychological safety, personal responsibility and trust.

The key to ethics is creating spaces outside of the organizational hierarchy, where individual humans are all invited to take part and to share their perspectives without prejudice. Our work starts with the human, providing the scaffolding to enable deep, diverse and inclusive engagement.


Lets start the conversation. We're committed to a future where data and AI are used for the benefit of everyone.We offer essential technical compliance support, strategic guidance, in-person/online facilitation and practical culture change coaching and training.


Our toolkit

Over the years, we've built a unique set of tools, systems, workshops and training programmes to address the real, human challenges of technological innovation.

The Navigator

Know the next step to take on your journey into the unknown.

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rapid insight

The Navigator is the first diagnostics tool built on the Systemic Data Ethics framework. It provides deep insights into cultural perspectives and biases.By pooling data from a set of ranking questions carefully designed to highlight different, interconnected aspects of data culture, the Navigator can highlight potential risks and points of leverage that may be hidden from view.

**The Navigator is currently in early Beta, we're looking for teams of any size to trial it. **

The whole system

Expert consulting and support to implement and operationalise the Systemic Data Ethics Framework.

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System change

The Systemic Data Ethics Framework provides a stable, structured way to understand and address the big picture of what's involved in responsible innovation.Build on the Framework to establish clearer roles and accountabilities, identify missing processes and aid cross-disciplinary collaboration.We offer expert technical, cultural and operational consulting and support to organizations seeking to harness the power of diversity to drive responsible innovation.

culture evolution

Step by step culture change that really works.

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Develop the core skills

There is no way to avoid getting people together to engage with ethics. To find out what you don't know you don't know, you must be able to listen to the people you don't normally talk to, or listen to or agree with!Successful multi-stakeholder, cross-disciplinary collaboration requires a set of core skills missing from most organizational cultures. We have created a blueprint for building the culture required for working ethically with data which covers both the development of people and processes.Boost engagement, enhance collaboration and foster real psychological safety with our training and coaching services.


Craft spaces where participants are able to engage as humans, not employees.

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Hierarchy is bias

Spaces that allow for each human to be included, where diverse opinions can really be raised and the conventional wisdom challenged don't happen by accident. In a professional environment, hierarchy actively works against this goal, pushing for alignment, not exploration.Building on years of experience in different environments, integrating psychology and practice, we carefully craft workshops where groups of people from all backgrounds can come together share their views.

  • Ethical Principles Workshops

  • Collaborative Risk Discovery

  • Consequences scanning

  • ... more

Get In Touch

Systemic Data Ethics combines extensive technical experience, attention to detail, psychology, co-creation practices and a unique systemic framework to make compliance more than a box-ticking exercise.
We will help you create your most valuable strategic asset - a data culture that makes meaning and provides purpose.

We do not even store your data, let alone sell it.


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Our story

Technology in all forms is deeply interconnected with human society. All tools will have an impact on our lives. In the world of data, AI and blockchain, the connection between our lives and